“On Tour with Fierce ‘DADAN’!” by Issei Kohira

On Tour with Fierce “DADAN”!

Hello, everyone! It’s Kodo Member Issei Kohira here. Thank you for your continued support.

Kodo’s “DADAN 2017” domestic tour kicked off at the beginning of October and we are receiving great reviews as we roar around Japan!

I was a cast member for the DADAN 2017 USA tour from February through March this year. We gave around 30 performances in the US and it was a very good experience for me. Now, I am back on the road with DADAN in Japan. On this tour, we will perform in my hometown area, Kansai. We have performances in Kyoto on Nov. 8 and Osaka on Nov. 11 & 12. If you live in the Kansai area, please come along to see us.

On the current tour, I have been cast to perform Tomoe, one of Kodo’s signature pieces. I am pouring everything into my performance as I follow in the footsteps of all the senior members who have performed it to date. I am giving it my absolute all on stage, but I know that I still have a long way to go.

The lads, I mean, the manly squad and I are drumming up a storm, so please come along to see us at a theater somewhere! We are waiting for you!
Come and hear the roar live!


“DADAN 2017” Japan Tour | Nov. 8 (Wed), 2017 Kyoto City

“DADAN 2017” Japan Tour | Nov. 11 (Sat)–12 (Sun), 2017 Osaka City

“DADAN x Hiroshi Michael” by Hayato Otsuka

DADAN x Hiroshi Michael

Hiroshima’s superstar Hiroshi Michael (Hiroshi-maikeru) is the official character of television broadcaster TSS (Television Shin Hiroshima System).

He is a positive guy.At first glance, you might think he is intense and somewhat gaudy, but I heard that his bold, unwavering presence gives energy and courage to the TSS viewers.

His favorite saying is “Hiroshima Ikeru!,” which means “Hiroshima can do it!”

His character is easy to understand and interesting, which are both traits that we strive to achieve with our intense “DADAN” performance.

As you know, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima.

Visiting Hiroshima, I was reminded of the value of peace and the joy of living in the world today.

As long as I am alive, I want to keep the fire within my soul burning brightly.

I want to share that fire on stage!


We received a pumpkin cake for Halloween.

“DADAN 2017” Japan Tour

“Apprentice Interactive Performance at Sado Special Support School” by Masami Miyazaki

Kodo apprentices are even busier than usual in the fall. Alongside their usual training, they have to harvest their rice crop, pick persimmons and ship them to Kodo supporters, take part in local festivals, staff the annual live-in workshop “Kodo Juku,” and present Interactive Performances. This year the apprentices gave five of these performances at schools on Sado Island. Today, I would like to tell you about the rather unique “Exchange Concert” they gave at Sado Special Support School on Sep. 28.

For this performance, the apprentices designed a workshop segment to let the students have some fun making music with them. When they started planning this part at the Apprentice Centre, the apprentices split into two groups and talked about their strategies, figuring out which instruments to use and how to go about using their time.

They raised concerns about problem areas and rethought and reworked their concepts over and over again. Then, at last, the content of the workshop started to take shape.

On the day of the concert, the students and apprentices all enjoyed performing together.

In the classrooms, the students performed for the apprentices and everyone got to know each other through self introductions and by spending time chatting together.

The Apprentice Interactive Performances are a valuable opportunity for the Kodo apprentices to perform in front of an audience during their training. They are a good chance for the apprentices to thoroughly consider what it means to appear on a stage, what they need to do to convey their sound and feelings, and what they want to express when they perform.

We are currently accepting applications for the Kodo Apprentice Centre 2018 intake.
Applications close on Nov. 10, 2017.
See here for details: https://www.kodo.or.jp/en/apr_en

“My Recent Onikenbai & Odaiko Workshops” by Yoshikazu Fujimoto

On Sunday October 1st, I led Onikenbai (demon sword dance) and Odaiko (big drum) workshops at Gettoen in Shinto Village, Gunma Prefecture. There was a social get-together for the workshop participants the night before where we all had a great time chatting, drinking, singing, and playing taiko.
Gettoen is a multipurpose studio. On the ground floor, they have the studio and a kitchen and dining room. On the second floor, they have sleeping quarters for overnight guests.

Here’s a picture with the Onikenbai workshop participants. Despite partying heartily the night before, you can see that they were all fresh-faced and ready for the workshop the next day.

And here I am with the Odaiko workshop group. Even after a party and the Onikenbai workshop, they didn’t show any signs of tiredness throughout the Odaiko workshop. Look at those smiles!

The workshops were presented by Mr. Ryuji Okamura and his mother. Mr. Okamura is a taiko performer and the owner of Gettoen. They run hula dance classes at their studio, too. Mr. Okamura is a former Kodo apprentice and ever since those days he has been a loyal member of our supporter’s club. I am grateful for his support!

After the workshops I left Gunma and traveled home to Wachi in Kyoto Prefecture. The rice was harvested here on Sep. 5th and our current harvest is in the form of collecting chestnuts in the mornings and evenings.

My next workshops at Gettoen will be held on Sunday Dec. 17. Nearby there is a hot spring that is run by Shinto Village and it costs 300 yen for a two-hour soak. So I recommend you come the day before and have a nice soak in the springs on Saturday. It is really good. And of course, you can spend the night at Gettoen.
I am looking forward to seeing you all at the workshops.

Inquiries & Bookings:
Okamura Store Tel: 050-3551-8107

“Concert with Sayuri Ishikawa in Nagoya” by Tomoe Miura

Concert with Sayuri Ishikawa in Nagoya

I was part of a select Kodo cast who performed with singer Sayuri Ishikawa at her concert in Nagoya last weekend. Now we are back on Sado Island. It was a concert full of firsts and I was nervous right up until the bell rang that signaled the start of the performance.

I was continually moved by Sayuri’s beautiful vocals as I performed with all my might. Even after the performance, the sound of her fabulous singing was still whirling around and around in my head.

Sayuri chatted with the audience and they responded with cheers and calls. It was surprising how close the audience felt to us on stage. Sayuri’s performances are the result of all forty-five years of her long career, so I am truly happy that she invited us to join her on stage to experience her unique world.

We will also join Sayuri for her Osaka & Tokyo performances. I will do my very best and I am sure I am going to enjoy those performances, too.

Kodo Joins Sayuri Ishikawa for 45th Anniversary Commemorative Recital Tour (Nagoya, Osaka, Tokyo)

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