My Kodo Discography Pick 16 | Chieko Kojima: Mondo Head (Album) and Sen no Mai (DVD)

Chieko Kojima

I never got to join in when everyone else was recording a new album. When they came back from the studio and told stories about how the recording sessions were going, and who they met, I felt sad that I was missing out.
But when we’re making a DVD, I can join in. When I danced in “Kodo,” filmed on Sado Island; “Live at the Acropolis,” filmed in Greece; and in “Sado E” filmed in Tokyo with Tamasaburo Bando; I was so happy because I finally felt like a member of Kodo.
If I had to pick just one Kodo album, I would pick “Mondo Head”!

Firstly, because you can dance to it!!! I love how Mickey Hart’s arrangements mix Kodo’s sound with music from around the world. It’s like fusion cooking, but he’s making borderless dishes that use our sound as a sauce. Swirling, undulating, spiralling rhythms combine with Kodo’s tight beats and it’s wasabi-cool! Mickey works like a skilled chef to combine Japanese flavours into new, delicious dishes.
I love every song on this album, but if I have to select one, I’ll go with the first song, Berimbau Jam. It’s like all the spices from around the world bursting in your mouth! If you’re going to dance at home, this is the perfect track.

I also recommend “Sen no Mai,” even though it wasn’t released under the Kodo label. Kodo performed this full production as a one night-only special event. It was the first time Kodo has ever done that. I think this DVD shows a new direction for Kodo. Music reverberates through the air, dance turns to light, and they both fade into the universe. But we captured those reverberations and light in this DVD.
This is the DVD I always dreamed of making.


Album | Mondo Head

↓Listen to sample tracks (Japanese webpage)

↓Buy at Kodo Online Store


DVD | Sen no Mai

↓Trailer + Info

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My Kodo Discography Pick 09 | Ryotaro Leo Ikenaga: prism rhythm (Album)

Ryotaro Leo Ikenaga

I hardly knew anything about Kodo before I joined, and for me “prism rhythm” is an album that broadened my understanding about taiko.
In particular, Sayagi-uta and Kuyurage are pieces that still inspire me.

Taiko as music. This is taiko music that will stand the test of time 100 years from now.
This album feels like a guide that Kodo’s senior members left for my generation.



Album | prism rhythm

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My Kodo Discography Pick 07 | Issei Kohira: Kaden (Album)

Issei Kohira

Hi, everyone! How are you doing?
I’m Issei Kohira, a member of the Kodo ensemble.
Each member is introducing a Kodo CD or DVD they recommend, and I’ve chosen “Kaden,” an album released in late 2016.

It features pieces mainly from three Kodo One Earth Tour productions: Eternity, Chaos, and Evolution.

Eternity featured compositions that depicted vivid scenes, while the music in Chaos emerged from blending taiko and drum kits—East and West. Evolution showed Kodo’s journey to date lead to the creation of new Kodo music. This album combines the best of these three works.

When I became a junior member four years ago, Chaos was my first tour with Kodo. And I took part in the recording of Arrive, Toki no Ma, and Kukai—all three Chaos pieces on the Kaden album.
I was so new to the ensemble that I didn’t know which way was up, down, left, right, forward, back, or otherwise. So I mostly recall being in a hurry to keep up. (lol)
But I also remember feeling happy that I was going to appear on one of Kodo’s albums as a performer.

Personally, I recommend the track Toki no Ma!
Why, you ask?
Because I have a six-second solo on it! (lol)
Please have a listen and see if you can find my solo! (lol)

As you can see, for me, this CD packed with memories.
If you already own it, I hope you’ll listen to it again after reading this blog. And if you don’t, I hope you’ll add it to your collection so you can experience and enjoy a range of new sides to Kodo’s music.

I’d like to take this opportunity to say I truly appreciate your kind support and words of encouragement over the past few months. I’ll keep working hard, preparing for the day Kodo can tour again.
Thank you, everyone. I’m looking forward to seeing you again soon!


Album | Kaden

↓Listen to sample tracks

↓Buy at Kodo Online Store

My Kodo Discography Pick 08 | Mizuki Yoneyama: One Earth Tour Special (DVD)

Mizuki Yoneyama

The DVD I recommend is “Kodo One Earth Tour Special.”

Especially, the piece Furyu.

I went to see this performance live at Setagaya Public Theatre when I was an elementary school student. When I saw Tsubasa Hori—a female performer who has since left the Kodo—performing in Furyu, I remember seeing the look on her face, in her eyes, and her presence on stage and thinking, “I want to join Kodo and perform on stage with this woman.” I found that dream then and there.

For me, this is a production that greatly shifted the course of my life.


DVD | One Earth Tour Special

↓Find out more (Japanese webpage)

↓Buy at Kodo Online Store (English)

My Kodo Discography Pick 06 | Taiyo Onoda: Legend (DVD)

Taiyo Onoda


On 2013, “Kodo One Earth Tour: Legend” came to the university I was attending. This was the first time I saw Kodo live. The three back-to-back O-daiko (big drum) performances were highly memorable. I could not make out who was performing since I watched from the third floor, but I remember thinking, “just how many performers are back stage on standby in their fundoshi (loincloth), waiting for their turn…?”

At that time, I was just working on my odaiko solo, so I practiced and composed it by recalling impressions and memories of the performance. Two years later, “Kodo One Earth Tour 2015: Mystery” came to the U.S., and I bought this Legend DVD at the venue without hesitation. I watched it many, many times. This production deeply impressed me and showed me that Kodo has some of the best odaiko performers.


DVD | Legend

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